November 10

Go to a Ball or Prom

ny lottery

Going to a ball or a prom is almost as fun as the time to get ready beforehand like picking the dress and finding a partner to go with! Then seeing all the effort your friends or relatives have made as well, the photos of the occasion, the food and dancing, will make this an unforgettable evening!

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October 10

Theme Park Fun

texas lottery

The high speed rides that scare and thrill have to be visited at least once in your lifetime! The adrenaline rush as you’re going from side to side up and down being thrown all over the place on the roller coasters, there’s always the log flumes, the tea cups and rides and novelty characters around the park for the younger riders! Disneyland and Europapark (Germany) are just two of the brilliant theme parks out there to visit!

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September 13

Be part of a World Record Attempt!

Wouldn’t be an achievement and such a memory to be part of a world record attempt in your lifetime! There are chances that your record would be beaten afterwards, or also a chance that you don’t quite beat the current record, but still the event itself would be a lot of fun! Have a look at world records that you think you could attempt, or even better that a group of you could attempt. Getting a lot of people together to beat a record would be a lot of fun and you could even turn it into an event with stalls and certificates for everyone that took part in the record! If you know of a world record event in your area, you could always join in with that! Why not help as a marshall for the day helping the people get where they need to be and registering them for the record and checking they meet the regulations!

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August 17

Lock In

tn lottery

Why not try this for a fundraising idea to raise money for charity. If you are part of a business, you could ask your boss to take part, where he or she needs to raise the bail to be allowed to leave the workplace at the end of the day! If you want to be even more imaginative, you could set up your own DIY cell (check you have permission for the land it will be placed on first), you could ask the local mayor or a celebrity in the area to be in the cell, with people running around asking people for money for the bail for the person to be released! It’s a bit of fun, and an easy way to earn some money for charity, if you haven’t raised the bail amount you were hoping for within a couple of hours, don’t forget to let the person out anyway!

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August 6

Visit a Tailor

Why not in your lifetime have something made just for you. Pick your favourite material and colour decide what you would like, and be measured for it to fit perfectly. Then there’s just the wait while your clothing is made for you.

 The idea that this piece of clothing is made for you means not only that it flatters you, being fitted, but also that you are unique as no one else will have this, unlike mass produced items sold in shops. It also means if you are having an evening dress made, that you won’t have the embarrassment of showing up in the same dress as someone else!

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July 20

Look out for Notices with a Difference!

Wherever you are, why not look at the signs around you. You might be quite surprised by how clever and whitty some of them are. Others you could wonder how people came up with them!

“Do not give lighted cigarettes, pieces of glass and plastic, chewing gum etc to the animals”

“Do not tease the animals, teasing means to … poke the animals with a stick or umbrella”

“Caution, this sign has sharp edges”

So give it a go, and look more at signs wherever you are, let me know if you find some good ones!

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May 23


A brilliant sport to have a go at! In a swimming pool with two goals, one at each side, and very fetching headwear. The headwear is one of two colours, is so that it is easy to see who is on your team and who isn’t! The aim of the game is to simply get the most goals with the ball! There are lots of rules associated with the game, but you could also just try it for a bit of fun!

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May 18

Have Your Palm Read

In your lifetime why not have your palm read by a professional, you really will find it very interesting! A lot can be told from our hands from our past and what we have been through to our personality and interests. In just one hour you will find out a lot! With some readings you may also take away prints of your hands and a recording of the session so that you can remember over time what was said. Sometimes in the moment it is a bit of info overload, but very enlightening!

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May 8

Be in the Audience of a TV show!

In your lifetime it would be brilliant to be in the audience of a TV show, it could be for one of your favourite shows, or a one off on a topic that interests you and you want to find out more! By being part of the audience you get an inside look of what it’s like behind the cameras, you can observe part of what goes on in making the show, as well as seeing the characters right in front of you! It may be a large audience, or it may be a small select audience, with audience participation

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April 18

Write a Diary

Why not try writing a diary for a year, It’s a great way to remember a certain time in your life. Once you’ve written it put it away such as in a cardboard box with other memories like photos, tickets of places you’ve been to or the cinema or theatre, objects that make you remember things like a dress or bib when you were little. Then when your older and find your trinket box again, it will bring back all sorts of memories. Particularly the diary where memories will be triggered you’d completely forgotten!

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