December 24

Live The Student Life

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"Graduation"It’s such a worthwhile experience being a student, studying for a course you enjoy joining societies and sports so you can learn many new skills, or even volunteering like the Raising and Giving Society doing crazy things to raise money for charity. You can gain independence moving away from home and of course the graduation ceremony is a day you’ll never forget!

November 28

Learn Another Language

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Learning a foreign language is a great skill to have so that when you’re in several different countries on holiday you can use that language to communicate, which adds to the culture of your holiday opposed to speaking your own language and expecting everyone in that country to also speak it. There are so many languages you can learn from French, Spanish and German to Italian, Russian and Cantonese. If you are interested there are many colleges that do evening courses in a variety of different languages, a couple of hours a week, it’s also easy to fit into a schedule!

September 19

Attend a Protest

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"ProtestWhy not attend a protest on something you believe strongly about, it will be quite an experience and you could always make your own signs and banners beforehand!

July 11

Learn How to Play Pool/Billiards

Learning how to play pool/billiards and snooker is incredibly fun. It’s a great thing to play wherever there’s a pool/billiards or snooker table like bars and bowling alleys. It’s a great way to break the ice and start conversation with people especially those that are Pool/Billiardscompetitive! It’s also pretty quick to learn and grasp the rules and even asking people to teach you how to play is a good way to start a chat!

June 19

Learn about different Religions

In your lifetime why not see what different people believe and see their way of life, how they worship and their building of worship.

 It is interesting to see different ways of life that people live, and there are huge differences between different religious buildings such as Churches, Mosques and Hindu Temples, not just in the outside appearance but in the smaller details inside. So why not give it a try and observe for yourself religions different from your own…

April 24

Learn to Drive

A big achievement is learning to drive, so a must to do in your lifetime! It can be difficult sometimes during lessons but after you’ve passed and with more practise it becomes automatic shifting gears and clutch control! The ease of travelling where you want to go or visiting places you hadn’t thought of before! Sometimes just going for a drive makes a nice change.

March 26

Family Tree

Something that would be amazing to do in your lifetime is to trace and record your family tree. Who knows who you may be related to in the past! By finding out and writing it all down, it would be such an achievement to show family and friends, and then when the next generation comes along it will be easier for them to see where they’ve come from originally too!

February 28

Do a First Aid Course

In your lifetime, I think it’s important to learn First Aid. You never know when you could be in a situation where someone needs help, and it would be great if in that situation we knew exactly what to do. Or if we were injuried, were able to instruct someone with what they should do.

What information would you give when phoning the ambulance, how do you treat an adult or a baby who isn’t breathing or someone who is but is unconscious. How about frost bite or heat stroke? Asthma? Broken bones or bleeding? If you attended a course you would know what to do in this situation…

February 15

Latch Hooking

Why not give latch hooking a go. It’s easy to do and there are a lot of kits available with designs to copy to make cushion covers, wall hangings or rugs. It is quite time consuming but worth it at the end as you can place it in your home for functional use, and it would look original. You could also buy the materials separately and create your own unique design to liven up your home.

December 22

Circus Fun

Ever been to a circus? It’s a great thing to watch with the trapeze artists and tight rope walkers but how about actually learning how to do some of the things they can do? There’s lots of places where you can learn circus skills from juggling to stilt walking and it’s a lot of fun! You could try it out with family or friends, or go alone and then show off what you’ve learnt afterwards!